ERM & Associates is a full service Real Estate Services (RES) company with a proven record of success in providing professional negotiations for the acquisition and sale of property. ERM has acquired property for our clients for future school sites, pocket parks, maintenance facilities and for the expansion of facilities to support daily operations. We have managed these acquisitions beginning with completing studies for potential site locations, to the negotiations of an agreed upon purchase price, and ending with a signed contract for purchase on behalf of our customers.

ERM employs Residential Brokers and Commercial Brokers to ensure the site studies are thorough and inclusive so the best options for our clients can be vetted. Our real estate professionals also provide vital intelligence on current market values for the various property types. Tools like the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) and COSTAR are available for research to insure our clients understand the market and ultimately pay a fair value for their acquisitions.

The most recent service offering in ERM's RES is the sale of unwanted, unused and no longer viable property that our clients continue to maintain and pay real estate taxes.  The same Brokers who assist in our property purchase projects use the tools available to them to determine a fair market price for our client’s property.  ERM manages the Plat, Deed, Title Reports, County Stamp requirements and ultimately the HUD and Closing process. Our specialized services include:

  • Site Selection Services
  • Land Acquisition Negotiations
  • Real Estate Contract Negotiations
  • Document Creation & Review
  • Appraisal Process Management
  • Title Work Management
  • Real Estate Closing Management
  • Condemnation Support (if necessary)

The president of ERM is the principal negotiator in these acquisitions. Mr. Anderson has decades of experience in purchasing and selling real estate.